

The Ultimate Text to Speech
Add-on for Anki

Add Audio to your Language Flashcards

Natural-sounding audio for your language flashcards

Are you learning a foreign language using Anki ? Your cards are not complete without quality audio files to accompany your cards. You could record those yourself, but it's a lot of work. AwesomeTTS makes this easy for you by automatically retrieving audio corresponding to your card text.

Choose from 20+ services, 100's of voices

You can retrieve audio from online dictionaries such as Oxford and Cambridge, online repositories of human-recorded audio files such as Forvo, or from high quality synthetic Text to Speech services such as Google Cloud Text To Speech, Microsoft Azure, IBM Watson, Naver, ElevenLabs, OpenAI.

Batch-generation and on-the-fly audio

Generate audio for your whole deck, or part of it. You can then use these audio files in AnkiMobile/iOS and AnkiDroid. Or, generate audio on-the-fly while reviewing on Anki desktop.