

Powerful & Simple
Text To Speech for Anki

Add Audio to your Language Flashcards

Natural-sounding audio for your language flashcards

Are you learning a foreign language using Anki ? Your cards are not complete without quality audio files to accompany your cards. You could record those yourself, but it's a lot of work. HyperTTS makes this easy for you by automatically retrieving audio corresponding to your card text.

Powerful Interface, Ease of Use and Automation

HyperTTS allows you to preview all sounds, and customize voice as well as text processing prior to generating audio. You can setup presets to run for a particular Note Type or Deck combination to generate audio with a single click.

Choose from 20+ services, 1000's of voices

You can retrieve audio from online dictionaries such as Collins, online repositories of human-recorded audio files such as Forvo, or from high quality synthetic Text to Speech services such as Google Cloud Text To Speech, Microsoft Azure, IBM Watson, Naver, Amazon, OpenAI, ElevenLabs.

Collection and Realtime audio

Generate audio for your whole deck, or part of it. You can then use these audio files in AnkiMobile/iOS and AnkiDroid. Or, generate realtime audio while reviewing on Anki desktop.